My poor baby has the Flu, it sucks! I hate when the kids are sick. Carson has ran a high fever since Sunday. I took him in Tuesday and they did a strep test and a flu test both came back negative. Now its Thursday and hes still running a 102.8-103.6. The Doctors office called this morning to tell me the strep was negative, and I told them he was still running a high fever and now coughing, and having diarrhea. No Fun!
So they want to see him, now we get to see Dr. Kaufman- The best Doctor. I absolutely love her, and so does Carson. She listens to his chest for awhile, and doesn't hear anything abnormal. I asked her about the Flu test coming back negative and she said the test are accurate about 50% of the time. Thats insane to me, then why in the hell do they do them if they aren't accurate.
But with it being a holiday weekend she gives me orders for a chest x-ray in case he gets worse. Diagnose more than likely the Seasonal Flu but could be the H1N1.
None of the kids have ever been this sick, and it just sucks!