What makes a truly happy person? Ah, the age-old question! Is it lots of stuff and lots of entertaining activities? Or…could it possibly be something that resides inside the person?
Truly happy people learned early in their lives how to be content whatever the circumstances.
Yes! Sincerely joyful people understand that basing one's happiness on the acquisition of material possessions and participation in exciting activities leads to ever-increasing unhappiness and stress. Because of their wisdom in this matter, they focus on finding contentment in healthy relationships.
Do you want your kids to spend their lives searching for the pot-o'-gold at the end of the rainbow? Do you want them spinning their wheels, racing toward something that doesn't exist? If you care enough to spend time reading tips from the Love and Logic Institute, I'm sure that you don't!
As early in life as possible, start teaching them that happiness comes from having loving relationships with people…rather than things.
Because of the materialistic culture we live in, I think all of us are finding this a bigger challenge than ever. That's why it's more important than ever to do two things:
•Spend loving time with our kids.
•Say "No" when they ask for lots of stuff.◦

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