Seriously? Like can you not look the other way if you don't like something? Or you think you may actually see something, something you've never ever seen?
Or you don't want your precious little child to see a caring, loving mother feed her child the BEST possible way? What you think it may scar them for life. I bet Spongebob, or South Park probably has a better chance at that...just guessing.
A simple "honey shes feeding her baby, just like gorillas, pigs, dogs, and even cats feed their babies" would probably be sufficient. Or "thats how babies eat, when you were a baby thats how mommy fed you".
This story is the reason for my post. Now not that I want to criticize Target but to me Target is much like Wal-Mart. And I have seen more than my share of ...well lets just say body parts on the people that shop there.
Even if you go to the mall you see teenagers with their a$$ hanging out of their panties shorts, or boobs, tits whatever you wanna call them coming out of their bras shirts.
But breastfeeding offends people. Is it just the people that never BF. or who? Who does it offend, and why thats the question I have been asking myself ALL day. And I can't for the life of me, figure out why anyone would be offended by a MOM breastfeeding her child.
So you think its better to shove nasty a$$ formula put in a bottle in their mouth? I mean one may say that offends them. Should you cover your baby while bottlefeeding them?
Oh wait, we should feed our children in the bathroom. Now I have it all figured out. You go eat your lunch while people around you piss & sh*t. I bet you would get full pretty quick.
Lets see I banned Victoria Secrets years ago when this story came out
Oh and Fakebook, I mean Facebook. I don't have an account, never have...never will. For the simple fact that they see breastfeeding pictures as nudity. But you can have yourself have naked with your tits and a$$ hanging out in a bikini at the beach. Or even guys can show off their abs. Oh but not breastfeeding pics.
You don't support Breastfeeding, I don't support you!
There is a petition -
Well I think I am done for now, my little one needs to be fed,
So my solution to you (if BFing offends you) don't look, close your eyes, get a blanket, go on about your business or heck go buy yourself a hooter hider for YOUR EYES!
Get over it, its natural.
Thanks for all the pics.