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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why does the US allow this?

I get updates from NON Toxic Kids, and today its about how Good Ol' China replacing Lead with something called Cadmium.

I'm talking on the phone with Laura and we both agree its not China we should blame. We blame this great country we live in, The United States of America. Who cares that China is poisoning our children?Why are products with toxic chemicals even allowed to get on the shelves at Wal-Mart, Dollar Store, Toys R Us? Is the US doing anything, anything at all to prevent this? Surely doesn't seem like it.

Is the US to blame? Is it all about the money?

I mean this is not even the first time this has happened, how many toys have been recalled to due Lead? Millions I'm sure maybe Billions.
Fisher Price, Mattel these companies I blame too. 

Do my children need gloves and a mask when they play with toys? Maybe China the US  I could possibly make come up with a suit to protect children from these chemicals we call toys. How fun would that be, having the kids put on HazMat suits before they play.

Or maybe just stop buying anything and everything that states "Made in China"◦


  1. I'm getting there, more and more every day. I just bought chopsticks, made in China. Wooden, painted. I wasn't even thinking until I got them home. I may just use them in my up-do instead! :)

  2. yeah you're probably safer using them in your hair than in your mouth...

  3. Girl, I just came over to check your blog out and I love you already! I am SO with you on this one. And oh, by the way your kids are gorgeous. And I love the long hair on your boys. And the old lady mustache comment I am *totally* gonna file away for future use! Ha!


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