Heres my coupon folder
I love using coupons, and saving as much money as I can.
I feel thats it my job to make our money go as far as I can.
I have always used coupons, but now I really use coupons.
Not too long ago I found a blog (can't remember which blog) that had a post about coupons being a waste of time, and she didn't use them because she doesn't buy boxed meals.
News flash I don't buy meals in a box either. My family eats pretty healthy, and thanks to coupons I can buy organic fruits, vegetables, and milk.
Yes it may be more expensive but its worth it to me. I use this list to help me figure out what is worth buying organic.
I figure if I can spend $4-8 on chips,cookies, unhealthy junk. I can spend $7.99 on organic strawberries. I would rather spend my money on healthy organic fruits & vegetables.
I shop at Publix. Before I was a WalMart shopper and always thought I couldn't afford to shop at Publix.
WRONG! I can't afford to shop at WM now.
How many of you go into WM to pick up one or two things and end up spending $80?
because you see things that you really don't need, but think oh thats cute and its only $___, I'll get two of those or no one for each kid.
Then you get to the cash register and forget what you went in there for.
I also shop at Sams Club.
Back to Publix- I love this site. She matches all coupons, shes local. She saves me tons of money & time.
I wish I had some receipts to show of how much money I save. I will have to keep the next few.
So if you aren't using coupons, you are losing and wasting so much money.
And don't say you don't have time for it. I have 4 children. You make time for it, especially if its going to save you money.