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Monday, March 15, 2010

Atlanta Parent Breastfeeding Article

I think this is the most ridiculous article about breastfeeding I have ever read. Clearly this lady, Kimberley Kennedy has really no clue about nursing.

 Go to page 62 here and read the article- Mom to Mom  The Practical Side of Breastfeeding.
There are a few things I do agree with.
1-see a Lactation Consultant
2-ok maybe just 1

But then she goes on to state, before sex you should pump so your nipples don't leak. That should be interesting. "Hold on honey, I need to go pump these jugs before we do the pants off dance off (as my hubby calls it)" Oh don't forget to wear a sexy bra too, not your nursing 

And this lady tells you how to put in a nursing pad, really it's not rocket science.

How do you know baby is getting enough milk? well someone that knows anything about breastfeeding would say that 5-6 wet diapers in 24 hours.

How often do they eat?
She says at first 3-4 hours  I say more like every 2 hours for newborns.

Now this is a good one-  When do I nurse if I have an appointment? I don't get it. Feed your baby before, during, after your appointment.

When do I start bottlefeeding? my answer- don't. BREASTFEED.

What do I wear? she suggest loose fitting clothes so you can nurse discreetly. And she suggest a car would be most ideal. - Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Nurse everywhere. Be proud you are giving your baby the best possible start in life.

I think my 13 year old niece could have wrote this article.

So Atlanta Parent- before you have someone write an article on a subject like breastfeeding might I suggest to you make sure they know a little something about it.

Where are the laws for nursing moms? here

What about the benefits to mom & baby?  didn't see very many   any at all.
Higher IQ's- Less Ear Infections-Better Immune Systems- more here & here

Growth spurts?

I probably could go on and on about this all night but I need to go nurse my 9 month old. Yes he still nurses at night. :)

I love

I found a blog I agree with and she wrote about this silly article too-


  1. Baby, once again you show strong feelings for what you believe in. Reason # 317 why I love you

  2. I don't think you should be able to give adive regarding breasfeeding unless

    1) you are a certified lactation consultant

    2) a member of the La Leche League

    3) sucessfully nursed at least one baby for 6-12 continuous months

    I would quailfy on account #3 and this lady has NO IDEA what she is talking about. I would be very discouraged if I were a new parent or new expecting mom to read anything like this. Fortunatly I knew going into my first the benefits and the difficulty in the beginning.

    It is sad that the society we live in still see breasts as primarily a sex symbol instead of a source of nutrition for babies.

    Sad indeed.


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