Tampons come with ridiculous amounts of packaging, which most of it is non-recyclable. So being the researcher I am I decided to research how long it takes a tampon to decompose.
Well since tampons have only been around for 70 years there's no way of knowing exactly the time frame. But researchers are saying 300-500 years!

(Picture source)
I know some of you are thinking that the cups are just disgusting (see pic above) and you could never use them. That's what I hear often from women.
Some women are actually flushing these in the toilet. Now if they are flushed and end up in the ocean chances are your plastic applicator will be ingested by some animal.
Think about this

(picture source)
They should never end up here.
Or they may be washed up on a beach.
Now that is disgusting!
Who wants to be on vacation with your family and see plastic applicators everywhere?

(picture source)
Lets look at the money part...
so lets say I use 2 a day for 5 days that's 10 a month.
10 x 12 months = 120 a year vs 300-400 tampons you would use in a year.
It may be different for you, it would depend on length of your period and flow

A Box of 24 cost $10 on their website. That would last me 2 menstrual cycles.
Also right now CVS is having a sale on the Instead Softcups, 20% off. Box of 14 for $6.39
*It is cheaper to order straight from the company, right here. Shipping is cheaper. :)
And who doesn't like to save money?

*I am going to give you the chance to win a sample pack all you have to do is go to Instead Softcups website , look around and learn something about them. Then come back & leave me a comment on what you learned about the company or their products.
I will use Random.org to choose winner, on Sunday January 8, 2012 around 12PM est.
Now Go!
Disclaimer:I have been provided compensation from Evofem. All opinions are honest, and 100% mine.
Please read my Disclosure Policy