As many of you are aware on Tuesday, November 6th, Georgians will be voting on Amendment One. Over the last few weeks many have tried to confuse the public as to what this amendment is really all about. I’ve sent a few previous kmails regarding the amendment, and I am attaching a document with some answers to questions from an organization that should help provide you with the important facts about the amendment and exactly what the amendment really does.
The Odyssey/GCA Board has discussed and analyzed the effects Amendment One could have on Odyssey and GCA. After consulting with experts the Board has concluded that if Amendment One does not pass, the future of GCA and charter schools in Georgia is at serious risk.
Please be sure to vote on (or before) November 6th, and more importantly spread the word and help educate your family, friends, and neighbors about the importance of Amendment One and its potential impact on your family, GCA, and all public charter schools in the state of Georgia. They may not be aware that this amendment will have a direct impact on the education of students that they know personally.
Thank you for your support for GCA students and teachers, and remember: the future of your school and all charter schools in Georgia is at stake.
Best regards,
Matt Arkin
GCA Head of School