We arrived at our resort late after spending all day at LegoLand.
Our 2 bedroom suite was really nice, and clean. But the main pool area....I was not impressed at all. It was gross. The pool was so cloudy you couldn't see the bottom. Carson even said he couldn't see anything with his goggles. So the kids did the water slides, and I took Camlin to the little toddler area.
We had breakfast with some characters Monday morning, I know this guy is from SpongeBob but can't remember his name. The kids had no idea who he was either. (we don't watch SpongeBob)
Now the main reason I booked this character breakfast was for Dora. Camlin adores her. Wish we would have seen Boots.
Another unknown character seems pretty grumpy and unhappy.
He liked watching most characters from a distance.
Happy Birthday!
Carly was the only one that wanted her picture taken with Jimmy Neutron,
and SpongeBob
The smaller pool was a lot cleaner, you could see the bottom of the pool.
Blue was my favorite
You can see Camlin's knee on the right of the picture. He wouldn't come to close.
Go Diego Go!
Downtown Disney Lego Store they all had money to spend. Not sure why they don't look happier than this.
Carly got to meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
And we all saw a Live Show of
on our last night there.
We figured out on the last day there was so much more to do, but unfortunately the front desk doesn't give you very much information. And anytime you asked someone about something you got different answers.
I missed Disney being that close and not visiting the parks.
Maybe next year...